PLEASE NOTE: Grass Valley Recreation is in no way affiliated with the City of Grass Valley.

Welcome to Grass Valley Recreation’s 28th year of offering recreational volleyball and basketball to the youth of Nevada County.

Please bookmark this site’s home page as it will be one to refer to often throughout the year for weather advisories,  gym closures and other information.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When does the season begin?

A:  Basketball Season League play begins in January and conclude mid-March. Games are played on Saturdays at times TBD. You can expect a call from your coach during the Winter break.

Q: Is the basketball league COED?

A: Only at the 1st and 2nd grade level boys and girls play
together on a lowered 8’6” basket. This allows this learning age group better success and a lot more scoring and FUN. The older kids, 3rd grade through 8th grade play in separate boys divisions and girls divisions. The basket is set at regulation height.

Q: Can my child play with his/her friends?

A: Because this is a recreation league what’s more fun than to play with your friends? There is a space on the registration form for special requests. Just fill in the names of the kids your child wants to play with and the league will do its best to fulfill all requests.

Q: Can we form our own team?

A: YES!! The league encourages whole teams to organize and register together. There is a minimum of 10 players on a team. There are several teams in the league that have been playing together for many years.

Q: When are the practices?

A: Practice times are determined by the coaches schedule. The available times are after school hours Monday thru Friday.

Q: Where are practices held?

A: There is limited practice times available at Lyman Gilmore and Scotten School. Many teams arrange their own practice times at various local schools and churches. If your team plans to use facilities other than Lyman Gilmore or Scotten, it is up to the coach to make those arrangements and to contact the league director to ensure insurance for that facility. Over the years, teams have used churches, private residences, and the many outdoor courts in Nevada County.

Q: How do I register my child?

A: You can download a registration form from the home page of this site. Mail to: PO Box 502, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Please complete and return with participation fee

Q: What about a uniform?

A: The league provides a numbered t-shirt for each player. Players must wear athletic shoes. No pants or shorts with zippers or snaps will be allowed on the court.

Q: What is your Refund Policy?

A: A full refund will be given if requested per email before schedules are posted. After league activity has begun, operating costs will have been paid based on your child’s participation, and NO REFUNDS will be granted.

Q: Can my older son/daughter be a referee?

A: The majority of the leagues refs are Nevada Union High School basketball players from the Varsity, JV and Freshman teams. In addition the league provides mandatory training with special emphasis on sportsmanship and instruction. If interested, your child is encouraged to contact the league via email or phone as soon as possible.

Q: Does the league run a summer camp?

A: Grass Valley Recreation League does not have a basketball summer camp. However, Nevada Union has a week long camp for ages 3rd grade and up.

Don’t see your question answered here?
Please feel free to email the league coordinator, just click on the “email” tab at the top of this page or copy/paste If you need a phone call returned, message the best number and time to connect with you so we may answer all your questions or concerns.

Grass Valley Recreation LLC – POB 502 – Grass Valley, CA 95945