Week 4!!!! Halfway through the season. Hoping everyone is learning new skills, loving the game, and having fun!!!! Also this is a good time to THANK OUR SPONSORS!! I’m amazed every year how generous this community is. We absolutely could not do it without our business partners. It’s sooo important to have community support. PLEASE…take a minute to read this post…share it…and if possible, please visit and do business with these wonderful people who year after year supports our young community.
To download your player’s game schedule, please click on the “Basketball” tab above. Find your grade and coach, and print it for the fridge. And welcome everyone! Looking forward to a fun season!
Thank you for registering your child for the 2025 Basketball Season. Over the next few weeks we will be busy forming teams and creating a schedule. The coach that your child is assigned to will contact you with weekly practice information. If you do not hear from your coach by the December break, please contact us and we will confirm your contact information and make sure there is no mistake. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday season. We look forward to seeing you soon.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but registration for the TWENTY-EIGHTH time is now open. We are so excited for a new season of basketball. Click on the “registration” tab above to print out your child’s participation form. If you’re interested in coaching, please contact the league coordinator by clicking the “email” tab above to request a coaches packet. The earlier the better! If you’d like to sponsor a team…there’s a tab for that too! Here we go….Welcome!!!!
March 2, 2024 Good Morning GVR Families. As you are aware there is a winter storm warning in our area. The gyms will be OPEN this morning and we will run our game schedule while the weather holds. The safety of our players, staff and fans is paramount. Please use your own discretion regarding what is best for your family.
A reminder of a facility use change for today February 3rd. All coed 1-2 games will be played at Scotten from 8am-1pm. The 2pm games and beyond will be played at Veterans Hall.
GVR Families….Here we go!!! A couple reminders….Games schedules are posted. Click on the basketball tab above. There are a several different divisions for some grade levels. Find your coach and you’ll have your schedule. We love when you take pictures and please share them with us so we can post all the fun. You never know when there will be a random sweatshirt giveaway for those who send us pix.
NOW….It’s time to THANK OUR SPONSORS!!! I’m amazed every year how generous this community is. We absolutely could not do it without our business partners. PLEASE…take a minute to read this post…share it…and if possible, please visit and do business with these wonderful people who year after year supports our young community.
Registration is now open for the 2024 recreational basketball season. You can click the Registration Tab above to download a participation form. If you are interested in coaching, please contact the league director at the email tab above for a coaches packet. The earlier the better!!! And of course if you would like to sponsor a team, there’s a tab above for that too. We are so excited for a new season of basketball….are you???!!!
Sidewalks are shoveled, lights are on, and gyms are open! The Veterans Building is being used for a warming center so all games that were scheduled at the vets building will be played at Scotten Gym. Please be mindful when entering the gyms, stay on the cleared sidewalks. Of course, it is up to each family’s discretion as to the safety of travel. Hope to see you all today. Take lots of pictures and post ’em up.
Out of an abundance of caution, games are cancelled for Friday, Feb 24th and Saturday 25th. The weather conditions continue to be unpredictable. County officials have asked residents to stay off of the roads to avoid unsafe and hazardous conditions. We hope you all have a wonderful snowy weekend. Stay safe and warm.